December 22, 2022 in Blogs

What sports to play in Sever Diseases?

It’s a common question among many athletes whether doing sports for sever diseases helps a person relive from disease or increase its impact. Well, the answer to this question is not that simple, in order to understand the answer of this serious question, you have to read all the article. Sever Disease is an inflammation of the growth plate at the back of the heel and can be painful for children who are active in sports. It is recommended that children with Sever’s disease reduce or stop activities that involve running and jumping until the pain subsides. Low-impact activities such as swimming, biking, or walking can be alternatives. It is important to stretch the calf muscles and Achilles tendon as part of a treatment plan.


What Exercise Can You Do With Severe Diseases?

1. Heel Raises: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Rise up onto tiptoes and then lower heels back down. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions. 

2. Calf Stretch: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Place one foot slightly ahead of the other. Shift weight onto the front foot, keeping the heel on the ground. Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch legs. 

3. Heel Drops: Stand on a step or curb. Drop heel down as far as possible and then raise back up. Repeat 10-15 times. 

4. Toe Raises: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Rise up onto tiptoes and then lower toes back down. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions. 

5. Ice Massage: Place a small cup filled with crushed ice onto the affected area and massage in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes


What Are The Types Of Sever Diseases ?

1. Knee and shoulder injuries: ACL tears, dislocations, tendonitis, and rotator cuff tears are just a few examples of knee and shoulder injuries that can be serious and potentially career-ending for athletes. 

2. Concussions: Hard impacts to the head can cause traumatic brain injuries, known as concussions. Symptoms can last anywhere from several days to several years and may include headaches, nausea, balance issues, and cognitive and memory problems. 

3. Heat-related illnesses: Heat-related illnesses can range from heat exhaustion to potentially life-threatening heat stroke. Symptoms can include heavy sweating, muscle cramps, dizziness, headaches, and nausea. 

4. Spinal injuries: Impacts on the spine can result in disk herniations, pinched nerves, and spinal cord injuries that can cause numbing, tingling, and weakened muscles. 

5. Obesity: Though it is not always considered a severe disease, obesity can limit performance, increase the chance of injury, and lead to other serious health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Which Sports Can You Do With Sever Diseases?

 It is generally recommended that athletes with severe Diseases avoid high-impact activities such as running and jumping. Low-impact activities such as swimming, cycling, and yoga may be beneficial for those with the condition. Additionally, stretching and strengthening exercises may help to alleviate symptoms.

Which Sports Can Help You To Recover From Your Diseases?


Swimming is a great exercise for people with chronic illnesses or disabilities. Swimming is a low-impact workout that is both gentle and beneficial for the entire body. It is great for building strength and endurance, as well as providing relaxation and relief from pain.


Cycling can also be beneficial for people recovering from a chronic illness or disability. Cycling is a good form of low-impact cardio, so it doesn’t put too much stress on your joints. It can help improve respiratory and heart function, as well as build muscle strength.


Walking is an ideal exercise that almost everyone can do. It’s low-impact and gentle on the body, and can help improve your stamina and endurance. Walking can be done indoors or outdoors, and can often be tailored to your specific needs.


Yoga is a great form of exercise for people with chronic illnesses or disabilities. The poses and moves in yoga help to improve joint flexibility, balance and overall strength. The breathing techniques used in yoga can also help reduce stress and relax the mind and body.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi combines gentle, flowing movements and breathing techniques to improve flexibility, balance and body awareness. It can be done seated or standing, and it increases mobility and strength. It’s also known to reduce stress and improve blood circulation, making it particularly beneficial for those recovering from an illness or disability.


There are numerous sports and activities that athletes with severe Diseases can do to help improve their physical health and overall well-being. Swimming, cycling, walking, yoga, and tai chi are all low-impact activities that can be beneficial to those with severe diseases. Additionally, stretching and strengthening exercises may help to reduce pain and improve mobility. It’s important for athletes to consult with their doctor before beginning any new sports or activities.

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